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Article group:
with bracket
150 mm
Locking type:
860 g
83 mm
design color:
12 mm
12 mm, hardened steel round shackle
The shackle, the case as well as supporting elements of the locking mechanism are made of special hardened steel
Very intensive use of special weight-optimized alloy and light material
ABUS Plus cylinder for high protection against manipulations, e.g. picking
This lock can be ordered keyed alike to other locks. This means several locks would match one key, respectively key code
The U-lock is classics when it comes to securing bikes, and for good reason. Solid materials and no moving parts outside the lock mechanism are an excellent starting point for the strongest resistance possible. Decades of experience with the U-lock have made us experts in combining the most resistant materials with unique technology, and consequently one of the leading U-locks manufacturers. By the way: the police and insurance companies …
ABUS este o companie germana specializata in productia de sisteme de securitate pentru protejarea proprietatilor si a persoanelor. Compania produce o gama larga de produse, inclusiv lacate, sisteme de alarma, camere de supraveghere, dispozitive de control acces si alte produse de securitate.
ABUS este cunoscuta pentru calitatea si fiabilitatea produselor sale. Compania utilizeaza materiale de inalta calitate si tehnologie de ultima generatie pentru a crea produse de securitate de top. De asemenea, compania are o gama larga de produse disponibile pentru o varietate de utilizari, inclusiv pentru utilizarea in casa, la birou, in transporturi si in industria de constructii.
Brandul ABUS este popular in intreaga lume si este utilizat de catre companii mari si mici, precum si de persoane fizice. Compania a primit numeroase premii si distinctii pentru produsele sale de inalta calitate si pentru inovatia tehnologica.
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