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Removable Chin Bar Head And Brain Protection
An absolute best-seller! The Leatt MTB 3.0 helmet is valued by riders for its comfort and high level
A leading design with removable Chin bar, our enduro helmet is engineered to offer great protection
and ventilation no matter if you are cycling uphill or pinning it down the trail. You will love the
convenient magnetic Fidlock buckle as well.
Made from a Polymer Compound outer shell, it is lightweight and super ventilated – even at very
low speeds, the 23 vents keep you head cool.
We all crash. Sometimes hard, and sometimes even harder! There is a solution to minimize the risk
of a head and brain injury, however – go and get the best helmet you can find that reduces both
rotational acceleration and impact energy forces at concussion level to your head and brain!
So, the next time you crash, see to it that you are protected by the best!
Leatt este o companie care produce echipamente de protectie pentru sportivi, in special pentru cei implicati in motociclism, ciclism si schi. Compania a fost fondata in 2001 de catre Dr. Chris Leatt, un neurochirurg sud-african care a fost motivat sa creeze echipamente de protectie mai bune dupa ce un prieten apropiat a murit in urma unui accident de motociclism.
Leatt este cunoscuta in special pentru neck brace de protectie pentru gat, care ajuta la prevenirea leziunilor la nivelul coloanei cervicale in cazul unui impact puternic sau a unei cazaturi. Compania produce si alte echipamente de protectie, inclusiv genunchiere, cotiere, piept si imbracaminte de protectie.
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